How to setup camera using "Add camera via wired mode"?

This way is suitable for W2/W3/Q3/Q3S/Q1/Q2/K1

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Please follow these steps to set up WiFi:

1. Connect antenna to the back of the camera (for outdoor camera W2/W3)
2. Connect the power adapter to the camera and plug into power outlet
3. Connect the camera to your router with ethernet cable
4: Add camera to the Wansview App:
1) Select[Add IP Camera] and tap + to add camera
2) Select[Add Cameras via Wired Method]
3) Tap [Next] if the camera is connected with power supply and ethernet cable.
4) Scan the QR code on the bottom/back of the camera.
Note: The QR code is on the bottom of the camera, not on the box.
5) Name the camera, then [Next]
Please keep the default username of admin and password of 123456 here. You could change the username and password after the camera is set up from Advanced Settings-User Settings.
6) "Connect Success" will appear, to Set up WiFi, Please Tap [OK], the Wansview app will search out the surrounding wifi of your camera.
7) Select your home 2.4G WiFi.
8) Input WiFi password correctly, then [Next].
Note: The password and wifi name should exclude ‘ and & symbols.
The wifi password should not exceed 31characters
9) "Set WiFi success" appears, you should see it says online. Congratulations! Your camera is all set up, you could unplug the Ethernet cable and use WiFi to view the camera. Click on the image to enjoy viewing and controlling it now.

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