There is no Blue indicator on the camera?

1. For indoor camera
1)  For Wansview indoor camera such as K2/Q3, before WiFi configuration, please check if you configure WiFi to the camera within 5 mins after powering up the camera; otherwise, the blue light will disappear and we should reboot the camera and have a try again.

2) For Wansview indoor camera such as K3/Q3S(RA), we should push the reset button for about 3-5 seconds to make the blue light work first.

3)Please check if you input the wrong WiFi password during the WiFi configuration, if yes, the blue indicator will disappear. Then we need to reset the camera to factory default by pushing the "Reset" button for about 15-20 seconds and re-configure WiFi to the camera again by using the correct WiFi password.

2. For Wansview outdoor camera such as W2/W3 camera, there is no blue light on camera.

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